(313) 486-4193
Help Keep RedTail Rolling
Detroit RedTail came into existence in June of 2017 and became a tax exempt charitable non-profit in October of 2017.
Detroit RedTail operates soely on charitable monetary donations from individuals like you.
Our typical annual budget has shown to be around $10,000.Your generous tax deductible contribution or sponsorship is greatly needed to
Help Keep RedTail Rolling
It will also allow us to expand our outreach around the country, educating diverse generations about the sacrifices and bravery of these admirable and heroic African American airmen. Your donation will go a long way to support the continuation and expansion of our outreach and help us ensure the legacy of these valiant men are not forgotten.
If your automobile related aftermarket business would like to provide monetary sponsorship to Detroit RedTail, Inc, please download, complete and return this Sponsorship Application.
If your Business is interested in Advertising with Detroit RedTail, Inc please download, complete and return this Advertising Application.
If your Business is interested in Advertising with Detroit RedTail, Inc please download, complete and return this Advertising Application.
OF NOTE: Although we have a mutual relationship with the Detroit Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc, Detroit RedTail, Inc and its vehicle based educational outreach is not a direct entity of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc (TAI). All funds donated to Detroit RedTail, Inc are soely used for our operational expenses to continue our vehicle based educational outreach and further our mission to tell the stories of the Tuskegee Airmen within the American Car Culture. Support and endorsement from Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen (DOTAs), TAI chapters and their chapter members should not be considered an endorsement by Tuskegee Airmen, Inc (TAI) as a whole.